Mon - Fri 8:30 am - 5:00 pm
Sat - Sun By Appointment
At Insurance Solved, we love to help. We’re a family business too and we understand that running a business is exciting and rewarding, but also incredibly time consuming. We all prioritise the things we understand and enjoy doing and then avoid the things we think we can leave till later and don’t like so much. This always leaves us all with so little spare time to think about things like insurance until the renewal arrives… again! That’s where we come in.
If you’re short on time or reluctant to go to a large broker due to being a small business, or you just want someone to get your insurance processes done quickly and efficiently, then look no further.
Our goal here is to be available and accessible. We pride ourselves in responding to everyone quickly because your time is valuable and your protection is our no. 1 priority.
We’re locally based in Brisbane North near North Lakes and will provide personalised service to all of our surrounds focusing between the Border to the south and Bundy in the north and out to the Bay.
If you’re asking yourself, why are we SO passionate about insurance? We would say that’s a fair question. We’re firm believers that if it’s worth working for, it’s worth protecting, insurance just makes sense.
While it may be a grudge purchase for some, we believe that if it’s done right, it’s really worth it. We can save you a lot of time, a lot of hassle and relieve you of all of the stress when claim time (inevitably) comes. There’s simply nothing worse than thinking that you’re covered, to then find out that you’re not, or that even though you’ve got cover, that you’re not properly covered but could have been.
We understand that we can’t all be experts in everything and realise that quality service and expertise are the ingredients to delivering Value. You may never enjoy paying for your insurance, we don’t either, but our promise to you is our motto –
We’re: Service Focussed, Value Driven!
Owner Rob Kennedy has over 20 years’ experience in all aspects of Insurance. For his entire career, Rob’s been able to differentiate himself with his technical knowledge, sheer passion and belief in making a difference and for excellence in service.
In his spare time, Rob loves fishing with mates or pretending to be a Home Handyman and he rekons he’d “fish in a bath tub.” He loves just spending time with his family by catching a movie or going to dinner somewhere nice or by getting out camping or going out on his boat to watch the whales.
Rob is also an active Volunteer at the Australian Volunteer Coast Guard based at Redcliffe.
At Insurance Solved, we understand the individuality of each business, and that each process needs to have a personalised approach taken to their insurance.
The services that Medico and Allied Health providers offer are important and absolutely necessary for surrounding communities.
You can follow all health and safety procedures to the ‘T’ and still need insurance, to protect you from certain aspects of the job.
When the commercial property is at risk, so is your whole business, but luckily you’re not alone, as our team cares about protecting yours!
Public liability insurance can help you to protect your business from the financial risk of liability claims, allowing you the certainty you need to trade with confidence.
Mon - Fri 8:30 am - 5:00 pm
Sat - Sun By Appointment
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